Unsere Vision für die Zukunft

um in unserer gemeinschaft zu leben

Unsere Mission und Vision für die Zukunft


Unsere Mission ist es, den Immobiliensektor zu transformieren, indem wir nachhaltige, hochwertige Häuser durch innovative und effiziente Methoden liefern, die den Bauprozess beschleunigen. InstaBuilt reduziert die Umweltbelastung und sorgt gleichzeitig für eine schnellere Fertigstellung, damit Bewohner früher ein besseres Leben genießen können. Mit anerkanntem Fachwissen in Texas, USA, Deutschland und Skandinavien ist es unsere Vision, global zu expandieren, unser Engagement für Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit in neue Märkte zu bringen und weltweit dauerhafte Gemeinschaften zu schaffen.

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in der Immobilienbranche

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Mentor Pllana

Gründer & CEO von Cherry Communities & InstaBuilt

Mentor Pllana ist ein visionärer Leiter bei Pllana Capital, bekannt für seine einzigartige Kombination aus Fachwissen in den Bereichen Immobilien, Bautechnologie und globalem Projektmanagement. Seine frühe Leidenschaft für das Bauen, kombiniert mit akademischer Exzellenz im Bereich Unternehmensführung, führte ihn dazu, Pllana Capital zu gründen, mit dem Ziel, traditionelle Baumethoden zu revolutionieren. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologie und nachhaltiger Praktiken hat Mentor die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Infrastrukturprojekten weltweit transformiert.

Die Branche Transformieren

Cherry Communities revolutioniert den Immobilienmarkt, indem neue Maßstäbe in den Bereichen Nachhaltigkeit und Vernetzung gesetzt werden. Wir definieren die Gemeindeentwicklung neu, mit innovativen, umweltfreundlichen Designs und dem Ziel, ein globales Netzwerk lebendiger, nachhaltiger Nachbarschaften aufzubauen. Unsere Vision ist es, das Umweltbewusstsein zu stärken und bedeutungsvolle Verbindungen zu fördern, um die Branche für eine bessere Zukunft zu transformieren.

From a community of homes

Nas House is a space for ambitious people to gather. It is designed perfectly to help people make connections and build communities. A place where you can sleep, work, eat, network, host and attend events, all in one location. It’s where people feel they belong.


We blend innovation and functionality, crafting spaces that inspire and harmonize with the environment


We blend innovation and functionality, crafting spaces that inspire and harmonize with the environment


We blend innovation and functionality, crafting spaces that inspire and harmonize with the environment


We blend innovation and functionality, crafting spaces that inspire and harmonize with the environment

Frequently Asked Questions

InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.
InstaBuilt is at the forefront of construction innovation, offering two groundbreaking technologies: Panel and Module construction. With Panel, clients can complete projects up to 60% faster than traditional methods, thanks to prefabricated panels assembled on-site. Module technology takes efficiency to the next level, allowing for 98% factory-based construction, minimizing on-site work and ensuring a high level of precision. These technologies not only save time and money but also embrace sustainability principles.

Environmental Impact

At Cherry Communities, we are deeply committed to reducing our environmental impact. Our eco-friendly practices include using energy-efficient homes, incorporating renewable energy sources, and implementing waste reduction initiatives. These efforts not only lower the carbon footprint of each home but also contribute to the sustainability of the entire community.

Healthy Living

Cherry Communities is designed with your well-being in mind. We prioritize healthy living by integrating environmentally conscious practices that enhance the quality of life. From green building materials to clean energy solutions, our homes provide a healthy environment that nurtures both your physical and mental health.